PC Games are just fantastic, million times way better than their console counterparts and way more interactive than other forms of entertainment, they're in my opinion are the pinnacle of home entertainment.

But most just plain suck, equivalent to big dumb Hollywood blockbusters in the vein of Independence Day, and The Mummy Returns.

Through all this muck one occasionally finds a gem, a game so absorbing, so addictive, so graphically stunning that you just have to change your daily routine to accommodate its presence in your life. :) They just take over and don't let go. AHHHHHHH!!!

The following are a list of the Top Ten games that took over me, in alphabetical order. They are just amazing, whether in gameplay, story or graphics (for their time). If you run into any of these at your local store or online, snap them up real fast, it'll be the best thing you've ever done. Trust me.

If you like this compilation you can link to this site by downloading the banner heading above. Thanks.

[UPDATE] Currently the following reviews are up:- Aliens vs Predator, Unreal, Quake III and Half-Life. I'm working on the rest, and they'll be up shortly. Thanks.

If you live in Australia and wish to buy these games without mortgaging your girlfriend drop me a line and I'll sell them to you.

(c) 2001 Mahesh Walatara. All Rights Reserved. Jump to my Main Site.